Feature & Follow: Character Fight!

Feature and Follow Friday is a weekly feature hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read.
Also be sure to check out the two featured bloggers: Amy's Book World and Word Spelunking!

This Week's Question:

Fight! Fight! If you could have two fictional characters battle it out (preferably from books), who would they be and who do you think would win?

This was such a hard question for me because there could be so many great combos for so many reasons. I'd love to see Bella from Twilight and Rhine from Wither in the ring together, mostly because it would be hilarious to see two people who obviously can't fight try and duke it out. Hils. It would be like me and Strawberry Shortcake getting in the arena: such a Berry Good Time! Or maybe really more like Daria and Disney's Princess Aurora. Either way, guaranteed no punches would be thrown and and the match would only end when everyone had vacated the building out of boredom.


It's actually kind of funny, when you think about it, that there aren't even more characters like this in YA fiction, because honestly, how many of us would be able to hold our own in a fight? How many of us would even want to fight? And should capacity for physical violence really be the hallmark of a strong female character?

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