Book (not) to Movie?
This is a great Feature & Follow Friday Question! Be sure to check out hosts Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read, as well as the two featured bloggers: Book Briefs and Gizmo's Reviews!
What is one book that you would be nervous to see a movie adaption of because you think the movie could never live up to the book?
There are so many books I would love to see turned into a movie. Of course I'd be a little worried about sending any of them off to Hollywood for fear that they'd change silly things like the Mockingjay pin in THG or really big things like totally changing Faramir's character in LOTR. Sigh. That said, I still would love some books to go movie. Others, not so much.
Movie Please!
Divergent, by Veronica Roth. Legend by Marie Lu, Tempest by Julie Cross, Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi, Cinder by Marissa Meyer, Sabriel by Garth Nix, Graceling by Kristin Cashore, Circle Nine, by Anne Heltzel. I could go on!!
Love the book, but No Movie, Thanks.
I almost want to say The Book Thief. I can't imagine that any attempt could possibly come close to the beauty that was this book. Maybe I'm too fresh off the book. It could be a film, maybe, but a movie? No. That said, I'm too late. A movie adaptation is already in the works!
So my pick is: Bumped, by Megan McCafferty. I was really struck by this as a book, but I just don't think it is movie-able. Everything might be a little too blatantly, sugar-coatedly horrifying to watch. Like America exploded into some sort of preg-happy Toys-R-Us gone wrong.
Love the book, but No Movie, Thanks.

So my pick is: Bumped, by Megan McCafferty. I was really struck by this as a book, but I just don't think it is movie-able. Everything might be a little too blatantly, sugar-coatedly horrifying to watch. Like America exploded into some sort of preg-happy Toys-R-Us gone wrong.

This weeks' question from GRead's TGIF is a great one too!
What song would you like to see turned into a book?
Honestly, it was so hard for me to pick just one. I would really love to see anything by Lykke Li, Miike Snow, Iron & Wine, MGMT or Florence and the Machine turned into a book. Those would all be dystopia/post-apocalyptic with a romantic element. Anything by William Fitzsimmons or Joshua Radin too, but that would be such a sad book, I'd need piles of kleenex! Tegan and Sara would be a great contemporary for a protag with sass.
Miike Snow - Silvia
Genre: Dystopia, w/ Forbidden Love
If I had to pick one, it'd be Miike Snow's Silvia. I think he actually remixed, but didn't write this song, though I could be wrong. Whenever I hear that song, I always think of someone walking along a deserted city street, hoping to catch a glimpse of the girl he loves even though she lives in a part of town he can never enter.
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