Feature and Follow Friday is a meme hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read. Each week they ask a question and also feature a blogger on their sites!
This week's featured bloggers: The Romanceaholic and The Talking Teacup
This week's question:
Have you ever bought a book because of a bad review?
Does Mien Kampf count? Ok kidding, kidding!
I think my answer would have to be no, though I may be forgetting something. First of all, I don't have a lot of money to buy books, so I'd really rather spend it on books I'm fairly certain I'll like. But I WILL check a book out from the library based on a bad review. It's why I read Twilight. And bad press is probably why I've heard so much about The Selection and will therefore likely check it out.
TGIF: Book Series Finales
TGIF is a weekly feature hosted by GReads! This week's question:
Which book, from any series is your favorite ending?
Tough question! I realize as I'm writing this that in the past few years I've started a lot of series, but never finished them (Hunger Games, Uglies, Shiver, Wicked Lovely, The Mortal Instruments, Twilight ...etc). Some of them are definitely on my To Read list. Others that-will-not-be-named are likely going to be filed as DNF-series.
Favorite Ending!
I'm going to have to go with a "classic" of sorts. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. All right, so it's not technically a classic, but come on people, we all know it will be, so might as well get used to calling it that.
I chose this because I thought JK Rowling did such a good job achieving the "oh wow I'm horribly sad it's over, but what a good book, and I can always start reading the series over right?"
Runner Up: Return of the King
Least Favorite Ending!
So this might not be entirely fair. The Last Battle gets my least favorite ending award purely because between the ages of 7 and 12 I attempted to read this book every year and every time DNF even though I loved and adored the rest of the series.
So yes, I'm going off the opinion of a 9-year old, but whatevs. I trust my own opinion at any age. Except maybe that two-week period where I thought I liked Savage Garden.
What is your least favorite?
Tough question! I realize as I'm writing this that in the past few years I've started a lot of series, but never finished them (Hunger Games, Uglies, Shiver, Wicked Lovely, The Mortal Instruments, Twilight ...etc). Some of them are definitely on my To Read list. Others that-will-not-be-named are likely going to be filed as DNF-series.
I'm going to have to go with a "classic" of sorts. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. All right, so it's not technically a classic, but come on people, we all know it will be, so might as well get used to calling it that.
I chose this because I thought JK Rowling did such a good job achieving the "oh wow I'm horribly sad it's over, but what a good book, and I can always start reading the series over right?"
Runner Up: Return of the King
Least Favorite Ending!
So this might not be entirely fair. The Last Battle gets my least favorite ending award purely because between the ages of 7 and 12 I attempted to read this book every year and every time DNF even though I loved and adored the rest of the series.
So yes, I'm going off the opinion of a 9-year old, but whatevs. I trust my own opinion at any age. Except maybe that two-week period where I thought I liked Savage Garden.
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