Now of course there are lots of reasons that books are un-put-downable, so here is my Top 10, organized into sub-categories:
I Can't Put it Down Or ...
You've all been there, admit it. It's late at night. Everyone else is in bed. You started this book with a tummy full of dinner and a living room bathed in sunset. But now you're trapped. If you put this book down and go to bed, you'll need to turn off the light, and we all know that the only thing keeping the monsters safely under your bed is the happy little glow from your bedside table. Must Keep Reading.
1. Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins -- Obviously. I read this in one sitting and didn't turn off the light afterward (having 100% convinced myself Cato was somewhere in the house, waiting).
2. Sphere by Michael Crichton -- I vividly remember reading this in middle school until the wee hours of the morning. I'm pretty sure I couldn't even fall asleep until the sun came up.
3. The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan -- I wouldn't say I exactly enjoyed reading this, but I certainly made sure I finished it before it got dark out! I am a total horror/zombie wimp.
4. Coraline by Neil Gaiman -- Ok and probably anything by Roald Dahl. Button eyes? I mean this just totally creeps me out! Yes, this is MG, but Mr. Gaiman knows how to make me cringe.
Most of the time, you know the main character's going to make it through. Everything's going to be fine. But sometimes you hit a book that makes you wonder. And if not the main character, maybe one or two or twenty of his/her friends aren't going to make it!? What? No!!!
5. Fire by Kristin Cashore - This book was so good!!
6. The Partials by Dan Wells and/or Maze Runner by James Dashner - Who's going to make it? Not everyone. That's for sure.
7. Delirium by Lauren Oliver - Aggg! How will it end? Cliffhanger? What? Nooooo
Sometimes you start a book and soon realize it's just best to stay immersed in the story to see how it all pans out. If you stop for air, you might never figure out where (or in the case of Tempest, when) you were when you left off.
8. Circle Nine by Anne Heltzel
9. Chime by Franny Billingsley
10. Tempest by Julie Cross
Now I could cheat and add a whole bunch of other books that I loved to death and could read over and over without putting down *cough* Divergent *cough* Sabriel ... but that would be cheating.
So what books do you recommend reading in a day?
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