There are lots of fancy wigdets and gadgets and feeds to add to my blog, but I can't even get the cute Twitter Follow Me button to show up in my sidebar! Boo....
I also realized (after several days of lurking) that half the time
I have no idea what anyone is saying on there! Everyone is speaking in some tricksy language! Eek. It's time to get Twitter-literate.
While I get things up and running, feel free to follow me!
Follow @CarissaATaylor
See I can get it to work here! Why not the sidebar??? Anywho, I'm probably going to be a lurker for awhile while I learn Twitter-Speak, but pretty soon I'll join in the fun! In the meantime, I'll leave you with some links:
Twitter Resources for Authors:
NB: How to Use Twitter || A Writer's Guide to Twitter || How to Effectively Use Twitter || Tips to Build Following ||
What are your Twitter tips? How do you use Twitter to help your writer platform? What are the main mistakes Twitter-newbies (like myself) make?
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