Top Mistakes Authors Make on Twitter

Ever see a fellow writer use Twitter in a way that made you cringe?
Writers: What NOT to Tweet
                      (yeah, it was probably me)

In honor of the fact that I'm super new to Twitter and still figuring out the ropes, I thought I'd host a little discussion today on Top Twitter Blunders for writers. Here are a few things I've noticed in the past month or so that I've been active in the Twitterverse:

  • Problem 1: Self-Promos
        • Tweeting ONLY Self-Promotionals
        • Tweeting the EXACT SAME Self-Promo over and over and over
        • Even retweeting others' promos too often
  • Problem 2: Unsolicited Twee-Querying at agents
  • Problem 3: Tweeting in Anger
          • at agents
          • at editors
          • at other authors
            ... thereby making yourself and the writing community look bad            

I've also run into a couple of things that I'm still on the fence about. Thumbs up? Thumbs down?

  • Questionable 1: Old-school RT method
                                    (The general consensus is that this is perfectly OK, and perhaps better)
  • Questionable 2: Tweetdeck to schedule Tweets/Retweets
  • Questionable 3: String of quotes from your book in succession
  • Questionable 4: Anything other than your face as a profile pic
  • Questionable 5: Auto-follow programs to follow author lists
                                (I feel like there are people doing this,
                                  but I really have no idea how it works)

Twitter Resources for Authors: 

What do you think? What are your top tips for writers new to Twitter? 
What are the biggest blunders you've seen other authors make on Twitter? 
What are your Twitter Pet Peeves?

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