PitMad Agents & Editors

#PitMad Agents & their stars

source: krossel
Who were the agents and editors requesting at March's #PitMad Twitter Pitch Contest? Take a peek below to see who joined in the fun and what they were requesting.

Click on the links to be taken to their Twitter Favorites lists - many of them still have the pitches they picked listed.Even though the contest is over it can be pretty useful to see exactly what sorts of things each agent is craving right now.

Maybe your story is just what they've been looking for!


Note: This list isn't quite complete. I'm certain I missed a few agents here and there - particularly agents that didn't favorite, but asked to be @replied instead. If you know of one I forgot to include, let me know!

Annie Bomke - Bomke Literary
    • YA Contemporary, Fantasy, Historical, Historical Romance, Suspense, Thriller
    • NA Fantasy
    • Adult Fantasy, Historical, Literary, Suspense

Brooks Sherman - Fine Print Literary
    • YA Contemporary, Horror, Retelling, Fantasy
    • PB - Pets
    • YA Contemporary, Fantasy, LGBTQ, Southern Gothic, Suspense
    • NA Contemporary, Suspense
    • Adult Contemporary/Suspense
    • YA Contemporary
    • NA Historical
    • Adult Historical Fiction, Horror, Literary, Southern, Time Travel

Emily S. Keyes - L. Perkins
    • YA Contemporary, Edgy, Historical Fiction, Religion, Retelling, Thriller
    • MG Contemporary, Fantasy, Multicultural
    • Adult Historical Fiction

Eric Ruben - Ruben Agency
*Used @replies, not favorites
    • YA Fantasy
    • NA Fantasy

Evan Gregory - Ethan Ellenberg
    • YA Contemporary, Retelling, Sci-Fi, Fantasy
    • MG Superhero
    • Adult Historical Fiction, Romance

Jen Rofe - Andrea Brown
    • YA Contemporary, Fantasy, Ghost, Retelling, Southern Gothic, Superhero, Thriller
    • MG Circus, Monsters, Superhero

Jessica Sinsheimer - Sarah Jane Freymann
    • YA Contemporary, Edgy, Fantasy, Demons, Ghosts, Horror, LGTBQ, Retelling, Sci-Fi, Superhero, Suspense, Time Travel, Thriller, Urban Fantasy
    • PB Monsters
    • MG Contemporary, Fantasy, Ghosts, Monsters, Historical Themed Mystery, Superhero
    • NA Sci-Fi, Time Travel
    • Adult Contemporary Romance, Erotica, Fantasy, Historical, Reincarntion, Sci-Fi, Suspense

Jordy Albert - Booker Albert
    • YA Contemporary, Fantasy, Ghost stories, Historical Fantasy, Thriller, Time Travel, Superhero, Sci-Fi
    • MG Fantasy, Superhero
    • NA Fantasy, Suspense, Time Travel
    • Adult Contemporary

Julia A. Weber - J.A. Weber Literaraturagentur GmbH
    • YA Contemporary
    • NA Contemporary
    • Adult Contemporary, Historical Fiction, Romance, Sci-Fi, Thriller

Katie Grimm - Don Congdon
    • YA Contemporary, Fantasy, Horror

Louise Caiola - AKA Literary
    • YA Fantasy, Romance

Margaret Bail - Andrea Hurst & Associates
    • Adult Romance, Fantasy, Literary Fiction, Historical Fiction, Cozies

Mandy Hubbard - D4EO
*Note: She was also @replying
    • YA Contemporary, LGBTQ, Thriller
    • Adult Romance

Melissa Jeglinksi - The Knight Agency
    • YA Contemporary, Fantasy, Thriller
    • MG Fantasy, Multicultural, Superhero
    • Adult Contemporary, Historical Romance, Romance, Suspense, Women's Fiction

Sarah LaPolla - Curtis Brown, Ltd
    • YA Historical Romance
    • NA Time Travel
    • Adult Retelling

Victoria Marini - Gelfman Schneider
    • YA Suspense
    • NA Historical


    • YA Dystopian, Paranormal Romance, Reincarnation, Retelling
    • Adult Paranormal Romance, Reincarnation

Heather Howland - Entangled
    • Adult Contemporary Romance

    • YA Contemporary, Coming-of-Age, Fantasy, Graphic Novel, Historical, Horror, LGBTQ, 
    • MG Superhero

Mandy Schoen - Month9Books
    • YA Contemporary, Fantasy, Romance, Romantic Thriller
    • NA Gothic, Paranormal Romance, Retelling, Time Travel
    • Adult Erotica, Historical Romance, Reincarnation, Romance, Women's Fiction

    • YA Sci-Fi
    • MG Ghost, Sci-Fi
    • Adult Contemporary, Fantasy, Suspense, Thriller

    • Removed favorites and comments

Theresa Cole - Entangled
*Used @Replies only
    • YA Contemporary, Fantasy
    • NA Contemporary, Gothic Fantasy

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