Practicing What You Pin: Making Anchor Charts with Ease!

Creating Anchor Charts with Ease - Step-by-Step Instructions

Hey Friends!!

So, it's been FOREVER since I've done a "Practicing What You Pin" post. But, this will be worth the wait! You're gonna love this!

Do you follow Amy Groesbeck on IG? If not, then you should! Even though she teaches littles, she still shares some amazing stuff that us middle school teachers can use. And she is the QUEEN of anchor charts! I could watch the videos of her making them

You know that I love anchor charts and you also that I've been using my cheapskate method for making them for years! Remember this post from way back in the day when my blog was still a bitty baby?

Anyway, I've found that sometimes I wanted to make an anchor chart that was only partially complete so that I could fill in some parts of it during my lesson with the kids. But, because most of the charts that I wanted to make came from uneditable jpegs, I wanted to find a method that allowed me to make a partial chart that still looked clean and professional.

As soon as I stumbled upon Amy, I started using her technique of making anchor posters because it's a great way to prep the poster prior to a lesson so that you can fill in certain bits of information with your students during the lesson.

In addition to making a great chart, it's tons more fun because you get to color :)

Okay... so here's how I do it...

First, I stuck a large piece of paper to my whiteboard.

Step One: Stick poster paper to the board.

Next, I projected an image of the poster that I wanted to create onto the paper. For this one, I used the SPIT Out a Great Answer! poster that comes in my ELA Interactive Notebook Resources.

Step Two: Project image onto paper.

Then, I traced out the parts of the poster that I wanted on the chart prior to the lesson.

Step Three: Trace.

Next, I took the paper down and did some coloring.

Step Four: Color.

Step Four: Color.

Now my chart is ready for the lesson!!

During the lesson, my students and I filled in the missing information together. And so, by the end of the lesson, the chart is complete and ready to hang in the room.

Now your poster is ready to hang in the room!!

Viola! Don't you just love that?!? Handmade anchor charts that require absolutely zero artistic skill :)

Ever try this method? If so, I'd love to see some examples of the charts you've made. Share with me over on FB or on IG.

When this post goes live, I'll be happily on spring break. Hope everyone had/is having/or is looking forward to having a great break.

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