"Dear White Teachers" Episode #3: How to Be an Antiracist Educator

Good morning! This is the last video in my "Dear White Teachers" series (at least for now!). I want to thank you all for watching and participating in the dialogue. I know this isn't easy work and it stirs up a lot of tough feelings, but I do believe that it is necessary for real change. 

I encourage you to keep reading, listening, and learning. Be mindful of your social media and use it to experience voices that are different from yours. While I wanted to create these videos as a way of supporting a cause I am passionate toward (beyond just changing out my profile picture to a black square for the day) and making it clear where my brand stands, I cannot say enough that my voice isn't the one you should be listening to... people of color are out there doing the work, sharing their experiences, and explaining how you can help. Find those people. Listen to their voices. Read their books. Watch their TED talks.

We can do this.

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