RSWrite Week 1 Update

The first week of 2015 Ready. Set. Write!  is complete!!

Thanks to my lovely babysitter I was able to get some writing and editing done, and sent off the revised Chapters 1-5 of my YA sci-fi (the cyborg beekeeper one) to my agent, which is awesome and yet nerve-wracking. Hopefully he doesn't hate them!

How I did on my goals: Success-ishness!

Finish new scenes for Chapters 1-5 of YA sci-fi: 

Read one fun book: ✔ 

Read one research book:   *sorta: I ended up needing to quickly beta read two things, so I only got 50% of the way through my 'research book' { which is Laline Paull's "The Bees" in case you were curious ;) }

Post reviews of last five books I've read:   *sorta: I realized I'd already posted Amazon/GR reviews for most of them, so I added the one that I read this week. I don't often post full reviews on my blog, but tomorrow I'll be posting mini reviews of some of my favorite recent contemporary reads!

Plan edits for Chapters 6-15 of YA sci-fi   *sorta: Basically I determined that there aren't any major edits to these chapters, but that I need to try to tighten up scenes and do another line edit to reduce word count. I always write too much!!!  D..:

Gaols for Week 2:

Lol. Totally typo'd that heading, but I'm leaving it cause it's too funny XD

Edit Chapters 6-11 of YA sci-fi. 
Read one fun book
Complete at least two beta reads that are in my queue
Start a new research book ("The Bees" is a really fun story, but not as helpful for me, research-wise)
Plan edits for chapters 12-18 of YA sci-fi

A favorite line from my story OR a word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised:

"The stupid part was, they were kind of important."

This is both I guess: a line that I wrote, and also a summary of how I felt about my revisions this week. 'Cause yeah, I think they were important even though I started them somewhat begrudingly.

The biggest challenge I faced this week:

Oh just feeling pulled in a million directions like always. Blog posts to be written, editing to be done, beta things to read, research books, other books, edits, new stories ... the pull of Twitter ;) ... it all gets overwhelming sometimes! Also I'm still trying to find my place here in this city as a new mom (or "mum" as they call it here). Few of our friends here have young ones and that has drastically challenged our social life, which is hard on me emotionally from time to time. I've no idea why some weeks it feels more difficult than others, it just does, ya know?

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