Back in August, I wrote about this idea that I stole from Brooke Brown's blog, Teaching Outside the Box.
Basically, you get yourself some project cases (like these) and you use them to store your lesson plans. What is nice about these is that you can put everything you need in file folders. This means no hole punching for binder storage or sliding papers into those slippery page protectors! Also, you can store all your additional lesson plan artifacts (like task cards, mentor texts, picture books, etc.) right in the case.
The boxes store easily and keep all your lesson materials safe and sound!
Seriously, people! I am IN LOVE with these cases and this method of organization!! I have all my writing units put together and hope to get all my reading plans organized over the summer (just got another batch of cases from Amazon and some pretty teal and hot pink file folders... swoon!!). This has been an absolute game-changer for sure and I am forever in the debt of the lovely Brooke Brown for this awesome idea.
What is your favorite method of organization? Have you tried the project cases? I'd love to hear from you!
Happy Teaching!!
Basically, you get yourself some project cases (like these) and you use them to store your lesson plans. What is nice about these is that you can put everything you need in file folders. This means no hole punching for binder storage or sliding papers into those slippery page protectors! Also, you can store all your additional lesson plan artifacts (like task cards, mentor texts, picture books, etc.) right in the case.
The boxes store easily and keep all your lesson materials safe and sound!
Typically, I keep an entire unit in one box. I have a file folder for each day or lesson of instruction. On Friday, before I leave for the weekend, I take the file folders out of my box and put them in this hanging pocket organizer behind my desk (get a similar one here). That way, when I come in on Monday, everything I need for the lesson is right at my finger tips! I'll also add, that this is great if you are unexpectedly out sick one day. You can just direct the sub to follow the lesson in pocket!
What is your favorite method of organization? Have you tried the project cases? I'd love to hear from you!
Happy Teaching!!
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