Summer School - Week One - Seventh Grade ELA

Summer School Free Lesson Plans

Hello? Hello?

Is this mic on?

Anyone out there?

Friends, it has been a MINUTE!! The end of the school year was, as always, bonkers. The first two weeks of summer was double bonkers!! And now, I am working through the second week of summer school! (It's half over!! Can you even?!?)

I have just about eleventy million things to share with you... but I'm going to try to narrow that down to just the most important!!

Big News

So, my job is changing. Next year, I will be the 7th grade intervention teacher. I cannot even BEGIN to tell you how excited I am for this. The kids who are smack dab "in the middle" and would benefit immensely from smaller group instruction and a bit more scaffolding/support have always been my favorite students. I just have such a soft spot for them and often feel that they can get "lost" in the big setting among all the brilliant kids, those with IEPs, those with behavior plans... do you feel me?!?! Anyway, I can't wait for the school year to begin and get started on this new adventure.

One aspect of this job change is that I need to move classrooms. If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook then you might have seen that I've teamed up with a good friend of mine, fellow teacher and amazing artist, Tim Smith, to create some custom art work for my room. My new space will be designed around these incredible pieces of art and I'm so stoked to start decorating!

Artwork by Tim Smith for Musings from the Middle School

Tim and I will be giving away a set of prints of these designs early in August, so make sure that you are following both of us on social media so that you don't miss out on your chance to win!

#bookaday Challenge

I'm doing the #bookaday challenge that Donalyn Miller talks about on Nerdy Book Club. Check out my Instagram for my daily stories talking about the books I'm reading.

Summer School - Week One Lesson Plans

So last year, I had a boxed curriculum that I had to use for summer school. It wasn't bad, but I couldn't share the lesson plans because they weren't mine. But this year, I was free to do whatever I wanted, and so I'm back with my FREE plans. I'm focusing on parts of speech, using commas, figurative language, and writing poetry. All of these kids qualified to be in my class next year, so we definitely have some skill deficits to make up. Also, I wanted to do some writing, but in a totally non-threatening, low-stakes way, and so poetry it is!! So far, so good!!

Summer Learning Lesson Plans

I've got my first week of lesson plans, along with all the resources that I created to teach them, up for FREE on in my store.

Free Lesson Plans - 7th Grade ELA

We had an awesome first week...

Speed Dating with Books

Speed Dating with Books

We speed dated a whole bunch of books!!

Teaching Growth Mindset

Worked on our Growth Mindset.

Writing on Desks with Dry Erase Markers

Talked all about poetry!

Literally vs. Figuratively Anchor Chart

 And discussed how the misuse of the word LITERALLY is LITERALLY my biggest pet peeve going!

So, head on over to my store and grab a copy with my plans, along with the resources that I used last week.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Phew!! That was a lot! I hope you stuck with me (through this loooong post and my little blogging hiatus!!)

I'll be back next week with my next set of summer school lesson plans, so stay tuned!!

I hope you are soaking up every second of summer. Now is a time to relax and recharge. You deserve it!!

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