October Happenings and My Lesson Plans

Are you feeling me on this?!?!?

In all honesty, as much as I am over Halloween (I've never been a fan... costumes freak me out!!), I cannot believe how fast this month went. I also can't believe that I haven't written a post yet this month! Or that I haven't filmed a classroom tour!!

I am sorry. It's been a nutty month. I turned 40 this month. Yes. The big 4-0. Remember when you thought 40 was so old?!?! Like crazy old?!?! Yeah, me too. I was actually thinking that right up until this month!! Anyway, I'm one lucky girl and have been celebrating with family & friends just about every weekend since early October and I still have one more celebration to go this weekend. So that, along with my growing kids whose sports' schedules are all-consuming, explains my Internet silence.

Okay, something that I've been asked to do over the years by lots of different people is to post my lesson plans. I've always been hesitant to do that because my plans are a mess and I'm usually off-pace by Tuesday the end of the week. I've also hesitated because my plans reflect the scope and sequence of my district, so what I am doing here in south Jersey might not relate to anything you need to do in Texas, or Canada, or Australia! 

But, I've decided to give in this year. I really want to commit to sharing my daily plans with you all. So for the last month, on Friday afternoons, I've been tweaking my plans to reflect what I actually did for the week so I can share them with you.

I'd love to say that I plan to post them weekly, but no way, no how can I commit to that! So, my plan is to post them monthly. 

Now, I know that October is over, so it could be that seeing my October plans now won't be that helpful, but it's the best I can do so that what you are seeing is accurate. We all know that if I posted my November plans now, they'd basically be wrong by the first fire drill of the month.

I do have a copy of them lesson plan template that I use here.

I will also link any resources from TpT that I mention in my plans. I hope to provide some context for each month that I hope will helpful, but I am sure you will have questions. I will answer them when/if I can, but I do get busy, so it might not be right away!

October Plans:

We spent October learning to "live" like writers. I wasn't teaching a unit per se, but we were doing a lot of practice with mentors and developing ideas/creating lists for future writing pieces. My plan is to teach narrative writing and a little literary analysis in November and December. We have also been reading narratives to study story elements (we use the Holt Literature Anthology).

Week of October 7:

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Week of October 14:

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Week of October 21:

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Week of October 28:

So... helpful? Not helpful? Admittedly, I'd love to glimpse other teachers' plans. Even if I can't use them, I just like the idea of peeking into someone else's classroom!!

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