Using Exit Tickets for Formative Assessment

I swear that I blinked and it was DECEMBER!! Holy cow! I can't even. I'm hardly ready for the holidays, but I can tell it's that time of year because my own home has been nothing by an infirmary for the stomach bug, sore throats, fever, and ear infections. I had to miss three days of work this last week to care for my sweet little patients. 'Tis the season!!

Okay... so a long, long time ago, I wrote about how I use exit tickets in my math classroom. It's been a hot minute since I've taught math and I recently updated my exit ticket resource, so I thought I was long due for a new post.

Recently, I was talking to one my readers who happens to be a brand new ELA about her first observation. One of the critiques made by the observing administrator was this teacher's lack of closure for her lesson. I mentioned that she might want to try an exit ticket and I was surprised when she said she'd never heard of exit tickets.

Well, have no fear... I schooled her.

Exit tickets are for real one of the best ways I know of to close a lesson. Basically, you ask the students to answer an question or respond to a prompt about the day's lesson. It gives a clear mark of closure for the kids and lets the teacher know just how well the lesson went over with her students. And administrators eat them up during observations.

I've had an exit ticket resource in my store for quite a while and have used those tickets for years in my classroom. But, this year I am more digital than ever, using Google Classroom for all.the.things. And so, I updated my resource to include DIGITAL versions of my exit tickets.

Paper and Pencil Version

Digital Version

Anyway, I just wanted to share that with y'all. If you already own my exit tickets, the new digital ones are already included in your purchase. Just download the updated version from my store and you'll get the link to the digi-copies.

Okay, friends! That's all for now! If you are fan of exit tickets, shout out below or over on Facebook or IG. I'd love to hear what you think of the digital versions!!

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