"Dear White Teachers" Episode #1: My Experience

Hey friends.

Without a doubt, so many of you are outraged/saddened/confused/scared/etc. over the recent events happening across our country. We've had some great conversation over on my Facebook page and I've had so many of you send me DMs with questions or looking for conversation that you are too nervous to share publicly.

Listen, I know that talking about racism is hard for white people. I know there is a lot of shame and anger that comes with examining your implicit (or sometimes explicit) bias. I know that you are scared of saying the wrong thing, being judged, or hurting someone else.

But, teachers? We NEED to be talking about this.

So, I made a video to help us get started. I am in no way an expert on this. I am on the journey to become an antiracist myself. I spend most of my time listening and learning from people who know so much more than me. From Black and Brown folks who are doing the work, who know what it feels like, who can relate to racism in ways that I will never be able to experience.

But, I also know that even though I'm shaking and nervous, I need to use my platform to force the conversation.

And so here is my first attempt at doing that...

Let me know your thoughts. I have at least two other videos planned in this series. I'd love to showcase other voices on this topic, so please reach out to me if you have something to add at musingsfromthemiddleschool@gmail.com.

Join the conversation over on Facebook or IG.

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