Summer Crit Party - Blog Hop and Giveaway!


The mystical random number generator of the interwebs has selected a winner of the
Full Manuscript and Query Critique

The Winner is.....

Diana Hicks!!

Woo Hoo! 
I can't wait to read your MS Diana!!

However, as I was just having too much fun with the random number generator, I decided to give away two other mini-prizes of a query and first three chapters critique to two runners-up!! (If they want it, that is):

The runners-up are...

London Skye and Chelly Pike

I'll be contacting the winners shortly via Twitter!
Can't wait to read your awesome stories!


The Blog Hop is live! 

(You can also scroll to the bottom of this post) 

Contest season is loads of fun, and for me, one of the best things about it is making awesome new writer friends, seeing all the amazing stories we've been writing, and getting feedback on my own contest entries.

It's summer, and I feel like celebrating, so let's keep the party going!

There will be two "events" -- a Blog Hop for feedback on your pitch, & a Giveaway for a query + full manuscript critique from me ... you can participate in one or both, your choice!

Summer Crit Party Blog Hop

Like I mentioned in my last post, I got really bummed out when I didn't make the cut in the pitch contests last fall. But the helpful feedback I received also made me take a second look at my query and first pages and push them that little bit further

So, here's an opportunity to get some more feedback on your twitter pitch, query, and first 250 from me, and from your peers! It can be for a manuscript that's finished or unfinished, doesn't matter. Anything you need feedback on: whether to polish it up for summer querying, or to gear up for fall/winter contests and queries.

[Reminder: More Pitch Contests are coming this Summer!]

It's a bloghop, so this is how it will work:
  1. Post your entry on your blog.

    This can consist of: (a) Twitter Pitch, (b) Query, (c) First 250 words of the manuscript (d) any other brief excerpt you need feedback on (for example... page 70 ), or (e) any combo of the above.
  2. Click the Blue "Add Your Link" Button
    and enter the URL of your blog post.
    (you can also find this button at the bottom of this post)

  3. Hop over to the five people above you and the five people below you
    and give them some helpful feedback.
    (Click here for the list, or scroll to the bottom of this post)

    (For example: Entry #10 would critique entries 5,6,7,8,9 and 11,12,13,14,15. If you're at the beginning of the list, wait for the list to close and crit the five entries after you, and also the 5 entries at the end)
    At the end of the party, you should have at 10 people providing you with feedback!
    Well, eleven counting me, as I'll try to drop in too :)
    If you'd like even more feedback, feel free to tweet others to have them stop by too.

    Time to get critting!

     The Linky Sign-up will close at 11:59pm EDT (U.S.) on June 12th.

Full Manuscript Critique Giveaway

The second part of the party is a critique giveaway! Like Joan mentioned last week in my comments, I've been feeling nostalgic lately, and I really want to give something back to the awesome online writing community that has been so supportive and amazing these past few years. I love you guys! 

Anyway. If any of you (or your friends) are in need of some feedback on your manuscript (or would like a raincheck on a future manuscript), just leave a comment on this post saying "Enter Me!" Also, if you aren't logged in with your Google ID, make sure you leave some way for me to contact you in case you are the winner. Twitter, Blog address, etc. :)

All genres welcome! I am the best fit for MG, YA and NA, but anything is fine really! The only thing I *don't* do is erotica. Sorry, I just wouldn't be able to provide the best feedback on that!

Deadline: At 11:59pm EDT (U.S.) on June 12th, I will select a random number and notify the winner!

Let's Get the Party Started!

Blog Hop Linkup Below:

If you're having trouble seeing the linkup and/or adding your entry, click the URL below!

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