Why I was AWOL ... Again

Zeph's Unusual First Math Lesson: 2+1=4
As you may have noticed, this blog's been a little quiet lately. I don't usually post personal things here (except when I do), but I wanted to give you a little update as to my bloggy/social media absence.

November, as of course you know, was NaNoWriMo, and I was participating for the first time! I was on a strict deadline though because I was flying home for the holidays on the 18th, and I knew I *had* to be done by then or I'd never finish (true story -- whenever I go back home, I invariably get so distracted by friends and family and holidays that I get approximately 0 hours of work done). But with some great tips and great help from my fellow #writesprint  #500in30 buddies, I totally won in 18 days!!!! W00t W00t! (no blog posts in that time though, sorry :o} )

I'm now about to start revising my NaNo novel (an MG contemorary retelling), and continuing to research and draft my YA Journalist Novel.

But, it's been a little trickier than usual because ... we are expecting Taylor Baby #2!

We're so very excited about Z getting a brother or sister (though not thrilled by the insomnia, queasiness, and exhaustion that has come with the first trimester, but that's almost over, so: onward towards more writing and more blogging!!)

Zeph is both slightly confused ("Go get baby NOW") and very excited. He's dubbed it "Elmo-Baby" XD. He's also getting pretty helpful around the house, and I hope that lasts till Baby-Time *fingers crossed*

Like last time, I won't post much more about our new Bub here, but if you want to follow along, I will be doing regular updates over on my personal blog: Taylors in Sydney.

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