Once we have decided that our topic to develop CLIL activities is the Earth. Spanish team had chosen Social Science area , English Language Area, Musi, Arts and ICT to implement this topic throught our students.
As any CLIL lesson we have to fulfil the 4 Cs: Contents, culture, communication and cognition.
Contents: To recognize main aspects about the Earth in English and in Spanish. Practice grammar structures by describing an astronaut.
2018-03-09-17-45-33 from CEIP FRANCISCO FATOU on Vimeo.
Communication: To be able to use and understand questions structures.
4F33521B-4030-4D7D-BFD1-3981FF96A2FA from CEIP FRANCISCO FATOU on Vimeo.
Culture: To become awe about the important of the Earth in our solar system.

Cognition: To predict information, to share ideas and to apply their previous knowledge about the matter in Spanish and be able to use it in English.
We are going to use two different types of evaluation: one for teachers. and another one for students
TEACHER'S ASSESSMENT TOOL: SAT (School Evaluation Tool).
While students are working on the project, we observe their skills throught the matrix to reflect on the process.
It is a free application that allows teachers to evaluate their students in an immediate and fun way.
This tool allows us to collect data that can be registered in reports of each of the students of the class. Students have to answer multi-choice or true/false questions with a QR code.
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