Revising and Editing Made Easy!

Hey Friends! I've just got a quick post for today. I'm working on a few different "big" posts, but the events of the last week and half have really got me down and I've been struggling with getting stuff done. School shootings always make me pause, but for some reason, this one has just really got me on edge. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected by the events in Florida, and my actions are aligned with folks looking to make some real change about how we discuss guns and mental illness in this country. Have you seen the #armmewith movement happening over on Instagram? There's been over 9,000 photos uploaded and tagged so far. I hope you consider joining the movement. You can download a template to make your own poster here.

#armmewith movement

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So, on a lighter note... 

A few weeks ago, I was cleaning out my digital files and I came across this little number that I had created my very first year of teaching:

My Mini-Lesson Newsletter from my first year teaching!

It's a "newsletter" that helps kids navigate their way through the revising and editing process. I remember making it because I wanted something that would outline several of the mini-lessons that I was teaching during writer's workskhop. And even after I taught each of the mini-lesson "articles," I put several copies in our writing center because I found that I was constantly having to remind students of these lessons. The newsletter allowed me to remind students of these lessons quickly without having to reteach.

Anyway, as I was looking through this, I was so proud of my cute, little first-year-teacher self! There is some great content in there. I decided to remake it, adding a few more articles and redesigning the template (how far my design skills have come!). I put a few copies into my writing center for students to use while they work and it's been such a nice addition. I love that I can refer kids to a specific article rather than me having to reteach a mini-lesson that's already been covered.

Each article in this newsletter is a stand-alone mini-lesson for middle school writers.

 Grab your own copy over in my store. If you give it a try, I'd love to hear what you think!

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